Conference Theme
TSD 2008 will address the following topics within the field of natural
language processing:
- corpora, texts and transcription
- speech analysis, recognition and synthesis
- their intertwining within NL dialogue systems
- text corpora and tagging
- transcription problems in spoken corpora
- sense disambiguation
- links between text and speech oriented systems
- parsing issues
- parsing problems in spoken texts
- multi-lingual issues
- multi-lingual dialogue systems
- information retrieval and information extraction
- text/topic summarization
- machine translation
- semantic networks and ontologies
- semantic web
- speech modeling
- speech segmentation
- speech recognition
- search in speech for IR and IE
- text-to-speech synthesis
- dialogue systems
- development of dialogue strategies
- prosody in dialogues
- emotions and personality modeling
- user modeling
- knowledge representation in relation to dialogue systems
- assistive technologies based on speech and dialogue
- applied systems and software
- facial animation
- visual speech synthesis
Format of the Conference
TSD 2008 will be an international conference with a limited number
of active participants. Priority will be given to persons presenting
a paper.
The conference program will include presentation of invited papers, oral
presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will be
presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions.
Social events including a trip in the vicinity of Brno will allow for
additional informal interactions.