Paper Format and Preparation
Full Papers
Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding eight pages.
Those accepted will be presented as lectures.
The recommended format of the paper is described below.
Short Papers
Authors are invited to submit a short paper not exceeding four pages.
Those accepted are for poster presentation.
The recommended format of the paper is described below.
Authors are invited to present actual projects, developed software or
interesting material relevant to the topics of the conference.
The demonstration papers will NOT appear in the Proceedings of TSD 2002.
The authors of the demonstration should provide us with the abstract
not exceeding one page.
Deadlines for each submission are listed in the
Important Dates section. The submission can be sent electronically
to .
Paper Format
The authors are strongly encouraged to write their papers in TeX or LaTeX
formats. These formats are necessary for the final versions of the
papers to be published in the Springer Lecture Notes. Preliminary instructions
on the final paper format and preparation can be found in the
Final Papers section.
The paper format has to be one of the following:
- PDF file
- PostScript (.ps) file - with ALL required FONTS included!
Some hints to PS or PDF preparation can be found in the document
How to create a Postscript or PDF File or in some next
PDF and PS preparation help pages.
Upon notification of acceptance, presenters will receive further
information on submitting their camera-ready and electronic versions that will
be published in the Springer Lecture Notes. Advance registration and payment
for the conference fee is mandatory.
Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not allowed.