Conference Fees
The conference fee depends on the date of payment and on your status.
It includes one copy of the Proceedings, refreshments, social events
and a daytrip. The fee does not include accommodation and meals.
Full participant
Regular payment (by August 15th) | Euro 300
| On-site payment | Euro 350
Regular payment (by August 15th) | Euro 200
| On-site payment | Euro 250
One of the authors has to register and to pay the full participant or student fee in order to be included in the conference proceedings.
The accompanying person fee includes social events
and a daytrip. The fee does not include accommodation and meals.
Accompanying person
(please do not forget to register!)
| Regular payment | Euro 50
| On-site payment | Euro 50
There is a possibility to be accomodated in the student dormitory near the conference place. Detailed information can be found in Travel Info section where you can find also information about the hotel in the City of Brno
Accommodation - September 8-12
(4 nights including breakfasts and dinners)
| Conference participants | Euro 70
| Student | Euro 50
| Accompanying person | Euro 70
It is possible to extend the stay in the dormitory individually.
The payment may be refunded up until August 15th at the cost
of 50 Euros. No refund is possible after this date.