Conference trip
Note: If you know in advance, that you cannot join us at the
conference trip, please tell it to the Registration by Wednesday
morning. You will receive a small compensation.

Moravian Karst is one of the most important karst area of Central Europe. In the area of Moravian Karst, there are more than 1100 caverns and gorges. But only 4 caves of the all number are open to public. There are Punkvevn� jeskyn� (Punkva Caves) with their underground river - during the cruise you can see there the bottom of the famous Macocha Abyss. Another cave is Kate�insk� jeskyn� (Catherine's Cave) with its unique limestone columns. The Balcarka Cave is full of colorful stalactitic decoration. Sloupsko-�o��vsk� jeskyn� (Sloup-�o��vka Caves) are made by huge corridors and underground gorges.
The �ern� Hora Brewery is one of the last facilities of its kind in Bohemia and Moravia to have preserved its historical appearance (which it acquired from its founders more than five hundred years ago).The brewery remained in the hands of the owners of the local demesne until 1896 when the Rolnick� akciov� spole�nost pivovarn� a sladovn� (Agricultural Brewing and Malting Incorporated Company) was founded.This was to operate the facility until it was nationalized. One hundred years later a new incorporated company - The �ern� Hora Brewery - was founded and it continues to own the facility to this day.

In the evening, we will again move to a special night tour in a nearby Rajec nad Svitavou Chateau in Rajec-Jestrebi.

A Classicist chateau of the French type, built in the 18th century for the Salm-Reiffersscheidt family according to the project by M.A.Canevale in the neighbourhood of a burnt down Renaissance chateau. Valuable historical interiors (a hall, a library, a summer dining hall etc.) with the original equipment and valuable collections of paintings, furniture, china and pottery. An extent picture gallery of the Slam and Roggendorf families. A permanent exhibition of cast-iron. In the Czech Republic a unique example of a noble residence inspired by the French architecture of the period of Louis XVI. Cast-iron fireplaces.We should return to Brno before 24:00.